Cojocaru Aurica works on spinning, warping, weaving carpets, crocheting, knitting gloves, pullovers and socks and also cross embroidery. She is a member of the Moldovan Craftspeople’s Association.
Cojocaru Aurica works on spinning, warping, weaving carpets, crocheting, knitting gloves, pullovers and socks and also cross embroidery. She is a member of the Moldovan Craftspeople’s Association.
Cojocaru Aurica Griffe gesponnen, gewebt, gewebt Häkeln, Stricken Handschuhe, Pullover, Socken und Stickerei Flanke. Er ist Mitglied der Vereinigung der Handwerker der Republik Moldau.
Cojocaru Aurica gère tissé filé, tissé crochet, tricot gants, chandails, chaussettes et point de croix de broderie. Il est membre de l’Association des Artisans de la Moldavie.