The „Ştefan Luchian” Foundation, whose name is often referred as „the poet of still life’’ (mainly flowers) was established 20 years ago on the 30th august, 1999 and it’s included in the Ciomac-Cantemir house -a patrimony value from way back the 1800s. The Armenian merchants house’s architecture shows a special detail seen in many newer and older houses from Botoşani: a brâncovenesc veranda. The Ciomac-Cantemir house also includes the memorial house „Ştefan Luchian” and a workshop for traditional creations.
Ștefan Luchian, a great romanian painter, was born in Ștefănești, Botoșani county, in 1868. Due to his parents, he moved to Bucharest with his brother, Anibal. At just 10 years old, his father unfortunately passed away, leaving the two brothers under their mother’s teachings. She was a big adept of military school, forcing the artist to take the military exam entrance, but Ștefan failed the exam on purpose, only to later join the ‘’Belle-Arte’’ art school in Bucharest. His undeniable talent is easily picked from the crowd during his time there, of which he made good use in Germany (Munich) and France. Back from his study-travel, working as a church painter, he meets the daughter of the Mayor from Târgoviște, with whom he falls in love during their painting lessons. He even ask for her hand, but his wealth was unfortunately not enough to convince her parents. The lovers later ran away together, however her parents already found a future husband for their girl. Years after, Ștefan Luchian passing by her house, sees her with two children and a bouquet of anemones, inspiring him to paint one of his famous still life tableau. In 1902, the artist becomes paralysed and continuing his artwork, he manages to create what the most acclaimed critics of Louvre Museum described as: one of the best self portraits in recent history, showing a multitude of emotions different from the pride of being a painter we are used to see in modern paintings. During his last years, Tudor Arghezi was kind enough to visit Luchian and take care of him, before going to work. One morning, according to Arghezi, Ștefan told him that the night before, a young man with a violin started singing, quote: ‘’For the great painter, Ștefan Luchian’’, said the young man who was none other than George Enescu, another national treasure of Romania and Botoșani. Ștefan Luchian later died in 1916, 28 of july. The administration continues and intends to keep alive the cultural legacy our great painter left behind.