He started his craftsman activity when he was hired at the workshop from the former neighbourhood Barbu Lazarescu, who used to belong to „Progresul” Cooperative, later known as „Artizanatul” . Since 1978, he attended the Folk Arts School Botosani – arts and painting department – where he studied ceramics for 2 years and painting for 3 years. He attended the international event „Month of Romanian Culture” supported by the European Community in Strassbourg, in 2006, where he highlighted the specificity of Romanian traditional culture. On April 23, 2000 he was appinted Citizen of Honour of Botosani City, for outstanding achievements in the promotion of the spiritual values and image of Botosani City on national and international levels. He currently runs the Kuty and Cucuteni type ceramics workshop in a correct manner, with a lot of talent, respecting the specificity of this pottery genre regarding forms and colour tones: different shades of green and beige. As for the ornamental compositions, he manifests the same rigor, observing exactly the range of patterns of the original Kuty pots.