Ipotești – “Lacul cu nuferi” Chalet – Codrilor albastru lake– Stejarul Chalet

The main tourist objective of the route is „The Blue Lake of the Forests”, set in a wonderful landscape. The lake is situated in a clearing and reminds of Mihai Eminescu – the Romanian national poet and his childhood. The lake is full of yellow water lilies, which the Indians consider to be the perfect flower. This delicate plany with an exotic and exciting smell, can be admired every year, in the months of June and July. From the Blue Lake of the Forests, the vertical stripe mark leads the tourist on the left, through the forest, and after approximately 60 minutes of walking one reaches Stejarul (Oak Tree) Guesthouse, situated in the outskirts of the forest, on the national road DN 29 (10 km away from Botosani).
