In the ethnographic area of Botosani the tradition known as plow („urătura”) is structured into three distinct, naturally interlinked parts. The opening is most likely to be humouristic, as it may vary depending upon the host to which it is addressed. Then follows the agricultural topic, and this one is addressed in the most serious way. Nevertheless, the most spectacular part remains the end. Sometimes there are suggestions for a possible reward for the performers. If it is performed by children, the plow is simple and linear, but with greater symbolic value because it is believed that the sacred purity of children is a strong „guarantee” for the fulfillment of wishes end of plow. In the past the plow was accompanied by props represented by a plow pulled by oxen that worked a furrow in that court. These props had varied meanings – tools and animals used for plowing and sowing (plow, whip, bag of wheat seed) instrumental noises used to scare away evil spirits and purify the space (rattles, drums, etc.).