„1 Decembrie 1918 Square”-urban assembly

The „1 Decembrie 1918 Square Urban Assembly” hosts a series of old buildings destinated for trade, which were built at the end of the 19th century. At the beginning of the same century, in this area there used to function the second biggest market of the town. After the great fire in 1887, which affected the first town market, this area knew a significant development, with the tasteful rehabilitation/reconstruction of several buildings where the merchants and craftspeople used to sell the products in the open. The architecture of these buildings is reknown on international level, as the whole area of the Medieval town still keeps valuable construction elements, on a wide scale, which is hard to find in other small towns of the countries. A general characteristic is that in the same building one could find the shop and the living space. On the complex structure of the vaulted cellars predominate two types of buildings: large shops on the ground floor or shops on the ground and first floors, while the top level hosted the living spaces. The buildings are arranged in L shape, and the stret facades have the most diverse architectural shapes, most of them of Western inspiration, but creatively adapted to traditional shapes, specific to this type of building. The interior yards show the classical ordering of the townspeople’s houses, with wooden pillar galleries, wrought iron balconies and small windows sustained by shaped wooden brackets. Nowadays, the historical centre of Botosani City focuses around this „1st December 1918 Square” and what is left of what used to be the Large Street. The area was recently rehabilitated, thus the „1 Decembrie 1918 Square Urban Asremains among the few in the country that keep the interwar architecture.
